Three general classes of RNA molecules are involved in expressing the genes encoded within a cell's DNA. Messenger RNA (mRNA) molecules carry the coding sequences for protein synthesis and are called transcripts; ribosomal RNA (rRNA) molecules form the core of a cell's ribosomes (the structures in which protein synthesis takes place); and transfer RNA (tRNA) molecules carry amino acids to the ribosomes during protein synthesis. In eukaryotic cells, each class of RNA has its own polymerase, whereas in prokaryotic cells, a single RNA polymerase synthesizes the different class of RNA.
Other types of RNA s in Cells Total Genes Detected rRNA, mtRNA and lncRNA are not as well understood, although they appear to play regulatory roles in gene expression and also be involved in protection against invading viruses in Cells, the long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) occupy a large fraction of the genomes of complex organisms.
‘lncRNAs’ encompasses RNA polymerase I (Pol I), Pol II and Pol III transcribed RNAs, and RNAs from processed introns. The various functions of lncRNAs and their many isoforms and interleaved relationships with other genes make lncRNA classification and annotation difficult.
Most lncRNAs evolve more rapidly than protein-coding sequences, are cell type specific and regulate many aspects of cell differentiation and development and other physiological processes. Many lncRNAs associate with chromatin-modifying complexes, are transcribed from enhancers and nucleate phase separation of nuclear condensates and domains, indicating an intimate link between lncRNA expression and the spatial control of gene expression during development.
lncRNAs also have important roles in the cytoplasm and beyond, including in the regulation of translation, metabolism and signalling. lncRNAs often have a modular structure and are rich in repeats, which are increasingly being shown to be relevant to their function.
Bring a powerful tool for studying tumour heterogeneity by mutation + gene expressionprofiling at the single cell level. Study isoforms generated by alternativesplicing and long non-coding RNA in genestructure. Explore the pathogenic mechanisms associated with the expression characteristicsof cell types mapped by mutant genes. Detect polyA-tailed and non-polyA-tailedviral
RNA transcripts to analyze the specificity of virus-infected cell populations, virus-host cell
interactions, and microenvironmental changesinduced by viral infection. Facilitate basic R&D, drug development, non-clinical and clinical evaluation, manufacturingquality control, etc. Break the single-omics limitation of providingonly one dimension of single cell information